Saturday, December 5, 2015

L: What the &*@#?
E: What the FOX?! *holds up toy fox*

K: What was your favorite thing you did at school today?
E: My favorite fings are kitties and puppies.
K: You are precious. Do you know what precious means?
E: It's means I like kitties.

E: Can you draw me a picture?
K: Sure bug. A picture of what?
E: Tara wearing a tutu having a happy birfday party with Holden crying and me wearing a blue shirt and papa wearing a pink shirt and my teachers miss Mimi and miss Bharathi.

E: Hold the handrail mama.
K: You are right. I should have held the handrail. Do you know why we hold the handrail?
E: So peoples doesn't say "ooooh mama and Theodore they didn't hold that handrail"

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